HE TALKS TO ME AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM sooooooo happy!!! Omg he makes me laugh im going nuts! I still love him. Im so happy. Oh but bad news is people make fun of my boots. SCREW U well not carly because she is one of my BEST FRIENDS and well anyone of my friends but not gabby or claudia they just suck. OHH WELL HE talks to me hahah me happy. OH 5 more days til my bday hahaha and 3 more days until my small "get together" with me friends hahaha weirdness ggggrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaatttttttttttt!
OMG im so happy. I bet no one knows who im talking about. OK heres the riddle hes in 8th grade and thats it. Now i know.