Monday, January 24, 2011

Gym Class

Wow, hate gym already. SHOCKER. So gym class is nice with carly around but then again I have the 2 people i hate the most in this world we live in. Jake and Trevor!!! Jake some how thinks its funny to call me goth and emo. Hes a jackass and I have no time for him. We is a waste of space. He may be cool with this friends but harressing a 7th grade, PATHATIC!! Then we go to Trevor, hes a complicated story. I hate him with all my heart but my heart tells me not to hate him. Then what should i think about this loser?!? They story behind him is that I didn't always hate him which was the problem. I should of hated him for like humping my friend that he likes but some where along the way I found it funny. What was i thinking? Was I high or messed up? Nope I was falling for him. I never wanted that to happen at all but it did. SCREW YOU LOVE!!!! But anywho there is a part in between that i dont really like talking about so as that part comes to mind and i try to block it. After that it was like it was this hatered that grow and I would never let him bother me again but now.......... GYM CLASS!!! I have never wanted a class with either of those too but now I have to spend a whole semster with those loser. School this is all you fault!!


  1. Yes, Katie, i dp know what chicken fries are. ;)

  2. sorry, Katie, that sucks.... your in science right now, LOL, im down the hallway, shhhhhhhhhh! :3
